Precautionary Powers of Attorney, Care Disposals and Patient Disposals


If it so happens – which no one likes to think about – that you are no longer legally capable and therefore require the help of others in all legal affairs, e.g. due to illness or as the result of an accident, it is of vital importance that you have taken care of such eventuality by a respective disposition or a power of attorney. This is because under our laws it is by no means so that in such case your closest relatives or your spouse or partner can automatically act on your behalf and take decisions.

Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether it is not useful to determine in advance in the case of a serious decease which treatments you want, or do not want, to receive at which points in time if you are then no longer able to express your intentions and declare your will, e.g. because you have fallen into a coma. This is one possibility to prevent that in case of a lethal decease at its final stages you receive treatments prolonging live which you do not like to receive.

Generally speaking, the following powers of attorney and disposals are available to you:

  • general power of attorney
  • precautionary power of attorney
  • patient disposal
  • care disposal

Following a consultation I will notarize for you a power of attorney or disposal bespoke to your case.

All precautionary deeds can furthermore be registered in the Central Precautionary Deeds Register kept at the Federal Notary Chamber in Berlin so you can be sure that “in the case of the cases” it will be retrieved and respected.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for an appointment.

Telephone: 06128 – 857 430 (Ms. Christina Sedlak, head of notary office).

Furthermore please also take note of the following information provided by the Federal Notary Chamber
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