Information pursuant to Section 6 Tele Services Act
Attorney and notary Dr. Stefanie von Werder a.D.
Am Kurpark 6
65307 Bad Schwalbach
Telefon: +49 (6124) 700 711
Telefax: +49 (6124) 700 725
Attorney and notary Dr. Stefanie von Werder has the VAT ID No. DE 4388103627.
Responsible within the meaning of Section 10 subsec. 3 of the Media Services State Treaty is attorney and notary Dr. Stefanie von Werder.
Attorney Dr. Stefanie von Werder is member of the Chamber of Lawyers Frankfurt am Main and admitted to the bar in Germany by the President of the Regional Court of Wiesbaden.
The Chamber of the Lawyers Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main is the competent supervision authority within the meaning of Section 6 no. 3 Tele Services Act.
For all disputes between the client and the attorney there is an arbitration institution installed available at the Federal Lawyers Chamber in Berlin with the following contact dates:
Managing director Attorney Dr. Sylvia Ruge
Littenstraße 9
10179 Berlin
Phone: 030 2849 39-0
Telefax: 030 2849 39-11
Alternatively, there is the possibility to address yourself with such disputes to the arbitration panel of the aforementioned Lawyers Chamber Frankfurt.
The software used by me prevents the creation of conflicts of interest.
For attorneys the following professional rules apply:
- Professional Code for Attorneys
- Occupations Rules for Attorneys
- Federal Ordinance on Attorneys
- Professional Rules of Attorneys in the European Union.
You can retrieve these rules on the webpage of the Federal Lawyers under
The Federal Ordinance for Attorneys (BRAO) obligates attorneys to obtain a malpractice insurance with a minimum coverage in the amount of 250,000 €, Sect. 51 BRAO. This requirement is met by Dr. Stefanie von Werder which has a malpractice insurance from Allianz Versicherung AG.
The Act on the Remuneration of Attorneys (RVG) stipulates that the fees and disbursements of attorneys are calculated based on the value of the subject-matter dealt with by the attorney. This typically is an amount of money which the clients demands that the other party pays to it. If the dispute is not about a claim for payment, e.g. in case of a divorce or a termination of employment, the value of the matter is determined according to fix criteria which I am happy to explain to you. In case the value of the matter is in dispute, it is determined by the court.
The amount of the remuneration is determined according to a fee schedule, attachment 1 to the RVG. In case of dispute, the amount of the fees charged by the attorney is reviewed by an expert opinion of the Lawyers Chamber.
The remuneration can also be agreed between client and attorney. Such a remuneration agreement must be signed separately outside the form power of attorney which the client gives the attorney.
Attorney and notary Dr. Stefanie von Werder is member of the Notary Chamber Frankfurt am Main. The professional rules applying to notaries are the Federal Notary Ordinance (BNotO), the Notarization Act (Beurkundungsgesetz) und the Service Ordinance for Notaries (DNotO). Basis for the remuneration for notarial services is the Act on the Cost of Courts and Notaries (GNotKG). This act you can look up on the webpage of the Federal Notary Chamber under